A plan for every one

as seen in

Frequently asked questions

You can pay via credit card, PayPal, and other major payment methods.
We use industry-standard encryption and security measures to protect your payment information.
You will be charged a fee monthly, yearly or once based on the plan you have chosen.
No, all fees are transparent and outlined in the pricing plan. There are no hidden costs.
Yes, we offer discounts for annual subscriptions and occasional promotions. Check our website or contact support for details.
If you decide to unsubscribe, you will lose your data until 30 days from the day you unsubscribe. close your account all of your data will be immediately and permanently deleted.
If you decide to close your account all of your data will be immediately and permanently deleted.
We don't do any refunds. If the reason is valid, do send us a message within 30 days and we will consider it.