✈️ Simplifying visas
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🛂 1L visa requirements

Visa List
3 hours ago

Visa List is your ultimate travel buddy, ready to unlock the world for you! Visa List is your one-stop shop for all visa requirements and essential information about globetrotting to any country your heart desires. With Visa List's help, you'll effortlessly discover visa-free destinations, visa-on-arrival options, nearby embassies, and a treasure trove of other travel tidbits. Data is primarily collected from public sources like Wikipedia, Embassy and National websites of different countries.
My name is Hari Krishna, and together with my friend Rizwan, we created Visa List. We brought this project to life because we firmly believe there is a need for a product like this in the world of travel.

Building with ❤️
in Down Under 🦘 🇦🇺

Why Visa List?

In 2018, I embraced the digital nomad lifestyle and set out to explore the world. I had my heart set on visiting all the countries that caught my fancy. However, I soon discovered that obtaining visas could be quite a hassle. Some countries offered Visa on Arrival (VOA), while others required a visa from their embassy in my home country, India. I grew tired of waiting for weeks to obtain visas and decided to research countries I could visit without the lengthy wait. After scouring numerous blogs and websites, I finally found a list of such destinations and embarked on my next journey. A few months later, when I wanted to explore another country, I had to repeat the same tedious process. The old list was nowhere to be found, and a new site listed even more countries with VOA options. One of my friends mentioned how, during his search for a Vietnamese visa, he came across almost ten confusing .gov websites. It was clear that many blogs didn't provide links to official embassy websites. And so, the idea for Visa List was born.


Visa List does not assume any responsibility for the accuracy of the information found on this site or any linked websites. Rules and regulations can change frequently, and even official websites may contain outdated data. Phone inquiries to officials might be unanswered or result in incorrect advice. Maintaining a comprehensive, up-to-date site like Visa List is a time-consuming endeavor. Visa List does not assume any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information found on this site or any linked websites. Rules and regulations can change frequently, and even official websites may contain outdated data. Phone inquiries to officials might be unanswered or result in incorrect advice. The content provided on Visa List is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal, financial, or professional advice. Users of Visa List agree to use the information at their own risk and acknowledge that they are solely responsible for any decisions made based on the information provided. Visa List reserves the right to change, update, or remove any information on the site at any time without prior notice.