Montenegro transit visa requirements in 2024

Montenegro transit visa requirements in 2024

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Montenegro Transit Visa 🇲🇪
Sticker visa

Montenegro transit visa

Travellers need a transit visa to transit through Montenegro.

Montenegro transit visa conditions

Visa applicant
Visa fees
No fees

Montenegro transit visa requirements

Documents required for Montenegro include passport and other supporting documents. A total of 4 documents are required.
  • Visa Application Form
    Completed application form for Montenegro, ensure all sections are filled out accurately and legibly, incomplete or incorrect forms may result in delays or denial of your visa application, double-check for any errors before submission.
  • Passport
    Original passport or travel document of your country with at least 6 months remaining validity on the date of travel and at least 2 visa pages clear of any markings, the passport should be in good condition without any damage that could render it invalid.
  • Travel Proof
    A confirmed booking or itinerary for your onward journey to a third country, this helps demonstrate your travel plans and intention to leave Montenegro after your stay.
  • Onward Travel
    Proof of entry authorization for the country you are transiting to, such as a valid visa, entry permit, or other relevant documentation, this helps verify that you have permission to enter the country you are traveling to after Montenegro.

How to apply for Montenegro transit visa

Montenegro Transit Visa application process for Travellers is quick and easy, as long as the necessary documents and information are provided accurately. By following these 4 steps, Travellers can ensure a smooth and hassle-free process in obtaining an Montenegro transit visa.
  1. 1
    Valid passport
    Check your your country passport is valid with at least 6 months of validity beyond your intended stay in Montenegro, if not, apply for a new your country passport, the passport must also have at least one blank page for visa stamps.
  2. 2
    Upon arrival in Montenegro, go to the immigration counter to begin the immigration clearance process, make sure you have all the required documents ready.
  3. 3
    Submit documents
    Submit your passport to the officer at the immigration counter, you may be required to provide proof of return or onward travel and financial means to support your stay in Montenegro.
  4. 4
    Entry stamp
    The processing time for the process is typically a few hours if the queue is long, during this time, your passport will be reviewed by an immigration officer, if approved, the applicant will receive their stamp on the passport.

Montenegro transit visa advice

While planning your visit to Montenegro as Travellers, you might be curious about other visa types and requirements. If you're considering exploring Montenegro beyond the usual transit spots, our comprehensive guide on Montenegro transit visa offers deeper insights and broader options for travelers of different nationalities. For those transiting through other countries en route to Montenegro, understanding Montenegro Transit Visa requirements is crucial to ensure a smooth journey.

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Frequently asked questions

Yes, Travellers need a Montenegro Transit Visa to transit through Montenegro. In most cases, Travellers who remain within the airport's international transit area and do not pass through Montenegro immigration do not require a transit visa.

No, visa fees are generally non-refundable, even if your application is denied or withdrawn. Be sure to provide accurate and complete documentation to minimize the risk of rejection.

Montenegro Transit Visas are generally non-extendable. If you require a longer stay in Montenegro or wish to change the purpose of your visit, you must apply for the appropriate visa type before your travel.

No, you must apply for a Montenegro Transit Visa before your arrival in Montenegro.

In general, you cannot change your visa type while in Montenegro on a transit visa. If you wish to change the purpose of your visit, you must apply for the appropriate visa type before your travel.

Overstaying transit visa can result in fines, deportation, or a ban on future travel to Montenegro. It is crucial to adhere to the duration of stay specified in your visa to avoid potential penalties or issues with immigration authorities.

If your passport with a valid Montenegro Transit Visa is lost or stolen, immediately report the incident to your country's embassy or consulate in Montenegro and to the local police. You will likely need to apply for a new passport.

The information in the site should be used as a guide only. You are advised to contact your local official mission/consulate/embassy and ensure you have the latest information. We take no responsibility.